Why do we exist?
Purpose, Values & Vision
Our founding purpose was simple but powerful:
to provide fairly-paid, dignified and sustainable livelihood opportunities to marginalised women, with the objective of empowering them to achieve economic independence and create better lives for themselves, their families and their communities.
Value 1: Authenticity
We are story tellers.
Every item we create tells a story of the skills, culture & history of the maker's community - these are inextricably woven into our cloth. We believe these intangible stories are just as beautiful as the cloth itself, and ultimately make a simple item of clothing into something meaningful & valuable.
These stories deserve to be told, and we endeavour to be as transparent as possible in the telling.
Value 2: Respect
Our work respects people and planet.
We partner with a careful selection of organisations and directly with artisans to ensure we're offering livelihood opportunities to women who need it most, and that all artisans are fairly paid and treated.
The use of waste, upcycled, handmade and vintage materials is the foundation for our designs. We use exclusively natural fibres and wherever possible, natural dyes.
Value 3: Beauty
We exist to create beauty.
For our customers, beauty in the aesthetic value of our products, and the connection to age-old skills, talented makers and distant lands.
For our artisans, beauty in the opportunities that open up to them through a dignified and secure livelihood and economic independence.

Gandhi said it best:
“there is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger & unhappiness.”
Our Vision
We are a purpose-driven company who believes in the power - and responsibility - of business to do good. "To do good" means adding positive value along the length of our entire value chain.
Amongst our makers, adding value means providing sustainable, fairly paid & meaningful employment to the women who need it the most.
​Towards the environment, adding value means taking an environmentally-sustainable approach to our materials & manufacturing processes, and to our products' use & end life.
Within the world of textile heritage from where we draw inspiration, adding value means championing the preservation & evolution of traditional arts & skills.​
Towards our community of textile-connoisseurs & customers, adding value means making accessible high quality products of exceptional beauty, and educating, inspiring & connecting this community with our makers.